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2011-3-10 16:48:36



众所周知,做SEO对于站长来说是重要的一课,但是对于一般的企业站点来说,很多企业不会重视SEO的建设。最近读了一本书《10 Steps to Success on the ’Net Without SEO》作者好像叫Tadeusz 。他指出:SEO(搜索引擎优化)过时啦并让人生厌,如果想站点取得成功,你首先要忘记关于页面优化的所有一切,而是从交换链接开始。那么,下面我们就一起看看作者具体写到的是哪10个步骤。


要善于选择他人从未涉及过的话题,不必受制于“关键字搜索”,也不能一味迎合Google用户的需求。另外,还需要转换看问题的角度,这样你会发现即使相当拥挤成熟的领域也有新天地,例如我的第一个博客就是关于SEO 2.0话题的。


使用对搜索引擎友好的WordPress,就可以省去考虑“页面优化”这些问题的麻烦。WP不仅可以作为Blog软件,还可以将它改造成为适合多数站点的小型CMS,也同时省去了XML sitemaps。








你可以增加一些类似del.icio.us或Stumple Upon的书签收藏服务,但是像Digg或Reddit这样的新型社会媒体,你要仔细考虑,因为他们可能会拖垮你的服务器或是加剧你的开销。











Discover your niche
Be different, choose a topic or product that not everybody else already covers or sells. Discovering it is not to be confused with “keyword research” as in conventional SEO. You try to introduce a new niche not just obeying the Google users demands. Try a different angle. Even a very crowded place like SEO itself does have new ones. I am indeed the first blogger to tackle mainly the SEO 2.0 topic. 
Use Wordpress
Instead of “on page optimization” you can install Wordpress that is search engine friendly out of the box. Wordpress is not only a blog software, you can use it as small scale CMS and it will suffice for most average websites. Also “search engine submission” even with XML sitemaps is not needed anymore with Wordpress. It pings Google Blog Search automatically so your blog posts end up in the Google index just a few hours later. 
Create a killer CSS design and submit it to CSS galleries
Traditional SEO is all about link building or getting links. Sites doing SEO often look crappy. These days people link web sites that look great just for the sake of the design. Unlike some years ago nowadays CSS and web standards are the best way to design a site. Now it is not difficult to create a great design, especially with Wordpress. Create a killer design for your blog and you will be linked everywhere. Just check out this list at CSS Juice. 
Allow trackbacks, use dofollow
Blogs thrive in connection with each other. The best way of connecting blogs is the trackback function. Install the dofollow plugin in order not to treat other bloggers like spammers. 
Socialize, write comments and link other blogs
Link and mention other blogs and bloggers in your posts. Also commenting in other blogs is much appreciated as blogging is not a monologue if it’s done right. 
Include social media on your site, use social media yourself
Include buttons to your favorite social bookmarking services like del.icio.us or Stumple Upon. Be careful with social news sites like Digg or Reddit. They may crash your server and/or cost you lots of money by driving tons of useless traffic in short periods of time to your site. 
Write your own content, say something new, express yourself
Write about stuff out of your niche that you know about. Write your own content, do not just post links to other sites. Say something new that wasn’t already said by everybody else. Express yourself, do not repeat yesterday’s news. 
Compile what you know or what others said and publish it
If everything was said and done already in a particular case, compile it and create a list. Top list are the best solutions as a “200 Wordpress plugins” list is just too big. “10 indispensable Wordpress plugins” is far better. 
Contribute to your favorite online publications
Do not just publish at your own blog or site. Contribute to other publications that cover your topic. Try your favorite ones first, as you probably know exactly what kind of topic they would like. Most publishers will link to your site 
Add new content at least every second day
Add new content often enough to create a stable readership. People that visit your site once a month might forget about it. It’s not always necessary to post every day but if you write a real blog do it at least 3 times a week. 


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